8 WrestleMania 34 Spoilers We Already Know

2. Ronda Rousey Will Arm Bar Stephanie McMahon

Ronda Rousey Stephanie McMahon Triple H

As soon as Stephanie McMahon decided to sneak up on Ronda Rousey from behind and blast the MMA wonder through that table on Monday's Raw, it was written in stone that she'd get some comeuppance at WrestleMania.

It'll be a complete shock if that revenge doesn't take the form of an excruciating Arm Bar.

That hold is so synonymous with Rousey that it's impossible to see her leaving it out of Sunday's move set. The story told on commentary must be that Ronda doesn't need to use weapons in order to beat Steph. No, she can rip an arm from it's socket and leave the Raw Commissioner writhing in pain on the mat instead.

Look at pictures of Stephanie in the 'Mania build up for a second. In most, McMahon is either extending her arm and pointing at Rousey, or she's reaching out for a handshake. That has to be deliberate, and the shake will leave Steph open to that aforementioned Arm Bar.

Fans are long overdue the visual of Stephanie getting shut down.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.