8 Wrestlers AEW Just Can't Get Over

7. Matt Hardy

Brian Cage

Matt Hardy is a legend. He has proven himself not only in the ring but also is one of the most innovative minds to ever apply his creativity to the squared circle.

In WWE, him and his brother Jeff were one of the god tier tag teams of the promotion. When Matt moved to TNA/Impact Wrestling, the promotion trusted him to perform at the top of the card, leading to him winning the company's top prize on two occasions. Yet Hardy's greatest triumph during this period was his Broken Universe. It is a heavy task for a wrestler to get a gimmick over, never mind to pull fans into a whole avant-garde existence.

Still, Matt in AEW is lacking. Hardy initially brought his Broken gimmick back, but, as a result of the pandemic and Hardy feeling the persona needed an audience, he worked various gimmicks under the Multifarious banner. He eventually settled on his Big Money Matt Hardy persona founding The Hardy Family Office, which saw Matt taking a managerial role, recruiting wrestlers to his stable.

His current gimmick just isn't working, no matter how much time AEW bookers give him on TV he is overshadowed by the ghost of gimmicks past...

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An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.