8 Wrestlers AEW Just Can't Get Over

4. Shawn Spears

Brian Cage

When Shawn Spears signed with AEW, those who followed his NXT career had longed for him to be given a shot as a serious competitor. Many had genuine hope that he wouldn't be defined by his #10 in-joke entry at Royal Rumble 2017.

Spears' early programme with Cody saw his opponent compliment him as a “good hand,” which set the tone for Spears’ run. Though, he wasn’t necessarily marked for a championship reign, he was given plenty of opportunities to shine. Spears had the legendary Tully Blanchard by his side, a natural heel smarm, and a memorable steel chair imbued "Chairman of AEW' gimmick. Yet, he didn’t get over with the fans.

Post-pandemic restrictions, Spears kept the things that made him interesting, but they were now diluted by a lean towards comedy. This soured fans towards him, and though he was redeemed slightly via his place in The Pinnacle, he is at a major risk of being overshadowed and cast as a bit player just as he was during his SmackDown run.

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An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.