8 Wrestlers AEW Just Can't Get Over

3. Cody Rhodes

Brian Cage

Cody Rhodes, as of late, is riding a wave of fan scorn, which edges him ever closer to leaving behind the superhero of his early AEW run and becoming a misguided supervillain who believes they are the force of good (seen in his Homelander comparisons). Should this be fully realised, Cody could slip his way out of lists such as this.

In AEW’s early days, Cody was a big part of the product and his run with the TNT Championship elevated all who opposed him. Nevertheless, recent booking has overshadowed this (your writer was surprised at how jarring it was to re-watch Cody’s TNT title run with his present booking in mind).

One of AEW’s early iconic images was the not-so-subtle symbolism of Cody taking a sledgehammer to a throne. However, his recent path in going over Penta El Zero M, Anthony Ogogo, and most significantly Malakai Black, may leave him wishing he’d preserved the throne for himself.

Particularly if his crowd reactions keep souring to the degree they have been lately.

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An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.