8 Wrestlers AEW Should Fear Losing To WWE
6. Wardlow
WWE has been trending away from the land of the giants for some time now and, rather than its roster being made up of mostly 7-foot Adonis types, such figures tend to be a rarer occurrence. Now with Vince McMahon leaving the company, its expected that men of different shapes and sizes will get more chances to climb the ladder to stardom. That being said, variety is the spice of life.
Wardlow isn’t necessarily much taller than your average man, but his big guy build belies an athleticism that is tantalising no matter which company you’re scouting. Plus, he’s proven this year his ability to organically get over with a crowd as a babyface, which is always a valuable skill to have.
Rumours began in the summer of 2022 that WWE were already interested in Mr Mayhem, to which Wardlow stated he was “happy in AEW, but wouldn’t rule out a move in the future”.
Even without Vince out of the picture, men of Wardlow’s stature and explosive energy are attractive to the established WWE crowd. Both companies have a surprising lack of “big men” in their ranks right now - in particular AEW, who need to hold on tight to Wardlow when the offers inevitably come his way.