8 Wrestlers To Carry NXT Over The Next Year

6. Dominik Dijakovic

Kushida NXT

Dijakovic fits the bill for what Vince McMahon loves from a wrestler. He’s a towering man that looks fierce. He also has the advantage of having a foreign heel gimmick. As you can see, he ticks all the boxes for The Chairman.

Not only this, but he can also go in the ring as well. To note the size of the man, his agility is unexpected.

His fleeting feud with Keith Lee has highlighted this. The 6ft 7in man is now preparing to ‘feast his eyes’ upon Velveteen Dream and his NXT North American Championship. This is definitely within his grasp already and will feature extensively in the upcoming months.

Being trusted with a short program with Lee has shown that WWE believe in him and see a big future for the big man.

Expect Dijakovic to become your next NXT North American Champion and a man to help carry the yellow brand.

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