8 Wrestlers Who Could Be The Undertaker’s Mystery WrestleMania 32 Opponent

3. Shawn Michaels

Now, before I'm immediately torn asunder for even suggesting this, I know that Shawn Michaels has stated he'll never wrestle again. However, rumours flew around before the 2016 Royal Rumble that HBK had been offered a very large amount of money to compete in the Rumble match itself, and what's to say Vince won't up the stakes and try again before WrestleMania? Of all the matches on this list, this one would probably be the best. The pair have unbelievable chemistry and always have throughout their respective careers. In 2009 and 2010, the two men put on two of the best matches in 'Mania history. Whereas another match against Batista would clearly dampen the enthusiasm of many fans, the completion of an HBK trilogy would only generate more hype. Besides, now that The Streak is broken, The Showstopper could realistically make the score 2-1. Again, this is probably one of the bouts on this list that is least likely to actually occur, but it would also form a crucial part of WrestleMania history if it somehow came together. Not just in terms of Undertaker's story, but in the wider context of the event as a whole.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.