8 Wrestlers Who Purposefully Sabotaged Matches

4. Koji Kitao (SWS 1991)

Talk about two guys with different reputations. On one side you've got John Tenta (Earthquake in WWE), a gentle giant and ex-Sumo star that nobody has a bad word to say about. Then you have Koji Kitao - also ex-Sumo - a surly behemoth with a reputation for being incredibly difficult to work with, famous for taking liberties and his expulsion from New Japan Pro Wrestling for using a racist slur towards Korean-born booker Riki Choshu.

He landed in the Super World of Sports organisation and managed to p*ss people off even more there. During an April 1st, 1991 match with Tenta, Kitao once again went off-script and decided to sabotage the match. Not content to cooperate with one of those phoney, ex-WWF wrestlers, Kitao refused to go along with the match as planned and shot on a befuddled Tenta.

The match starts out with both men working together, but somewhere along the way Koji thought 'f*ck this' and decided to go a different route. The two can be seen having some sort of weird standoff, before Kitao lunges at him and tries to poke his eyes out. Tenta was, understandably, furious at this breach of protocol and can be seen screaming 'this is pro wrestling!' at Kitao.

After what seems like an eternity, the referee intervened and tried to get the two to do, well, anything, and received a very real, very stiff kick for his troubles. He called for the bell, mercifully ending the match. Afterwards, Kitao grabbed a microphone and told everyone in attendance that wrestling was fake and that, had it been a real fight, Tenta would never be able to beat him.

And so Koji Kitao ended another run with another organisation in disgrace.


Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...