8 Wrestlers Who Purposefully Sabotaged Matches

3. Mike Blackwell (NWA World Wide Wrestling, 1989)

It's one thing for an established star to go into business for himself and sabotage a match, but it's a whole different deal entirely when a lowly enhancement talent, a jobber, decides to do so. Not saying it's ever the right thing to do, because it's not, but if you're sole reason for having a job is to make others look good, then you better do just that.

Especially if you're wrestling The Skyscrapers tag team - Sid Vicious and Dan Spivey - two big, imposing dudes just shy of seven feet-tall. Journeyman wrestler Mike Blackwell was apparently uninterested in that fact and decided to make a complete mockery of the 'Scrapers routine during a routine squash match for World Wide Wrestling.

Blackwell and his partner Avalanche were supposed to get creamed in a matter of seconds, making sure to make their opponents' stuff look as lethal as possible in the process, but Blackwell didn't get the memo or else received the memo, read it and decided to shred it before burning it.

This guy was just clueless, refusing to sell for his foes and being uncooperative on moves. He took clotheslines, suplexes and other hits and would bounce back up immediately after every one. It is astonishing to watch. Even after he takes the Skyscrapers finish - a double powerbomb - he has to be held down to the mat so that the referee can count the three!

After the match, Spivey and Vicious were majorly p*ssed off and rightfully so. The guy still doesn't get the message, even after getting some very real boots put on him, standing up like a tough guy and staring the tag team down. Completely losing it, Sid grabs him as Spivey throws a big right directly at his face. After that, WCW wisely cut to commercial.

According to reports, the beating got even more severe when the cameras weren't rolling. You have to ask yourself: what the hell was this job guy doing here? It's like it's his first day on the job after two weeks worth of training and he doesn't know that this thing called wrestling is a work. According to some, Blackwell felt he needed to 'get something in' as he was intending on getting a regular job and a push.

He ended up getting his head kicked in instead for this blatant sabotage job. What a muppet.


Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...