8 Wrestlers With Gimmicks Ripped Off From Comics

5. Hulk Hogan (The Incredible Hulk)

Hulk Hogan The Incredible Hulk

Marvel have a sweet, sweet deal going when it comes to one Hulk Hogan.

To this day, the comic book institution own the rights to that name. They did during Hulk's hey day too. Check any Hogan WWF merchandise for proof, and you'll see some Marvel branding on there. That's because they believed Hulk's famous characterisation was too close to The Incredible Hulk character they'd created.

They were right.

Hulk, a placid, easy-going man away from the ring who "Hulks Up" when provoked inside it by the bad guys, is more similar to Marvel's idea for mild-mannered Bruce Banner than a first glance reveals. No, Hogan was never green, and yet the way he'd bubble over when angry or tear his clothes off in a fit of rage has always been similar to the comic.

The name, Hulk, is also not coincidental. Marvel spotted what Hogan was trying to pull here, and (as they'd come up with the Hulk brand first) they wanted a slice of the pie.

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Peyton Royce
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.