8 Wrestlers With Gimmicks Ripped Off From Comics

2. The Hurricane (Green Lantern)

The Hurricane Green Lantern
WWE.com/DC Comics

It's respected as a good idea now, but there were those who laughed at Shane Helms for turning into a wacky superhero in 2001 and going under a mask as The Hurricane. A clear p*ss take designed to mimic cheesy comic book characters, the gimmick gave Helms the best run of his entire WWE career.

That green-tinged costume, the mask that only covered around half of his face and the bold "H" on his chest reeked of DC's Green Lantern.

A long-running character in comic form, the Lantern is also considered by some to be fairly lame. The 2011 film adaptation (starring Deadpool's Ryan Reynolds) was definitely lame, and it featured much of the same goofiness that Hurricane would during his peak run in wrestling. Much like Hurricane, the Lantern didn't have much of a hard-edge.

Helms even had a tattoo of the Lantern's ring on his finger, although that was usually covered up by white tape he'd wrap around his fists.

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