8 Wrestling Gimmicks Based On Serial Killers

6. Mankind (Hannibal Lecter/Leatherface)

Austin Kuklinski
WWE.com & Orion Pictures

Credit must go to Mick Foley for refusing to give in to the cartoon-like WWF machine of the mid-1990s; originally, Foley's infamous Mankind character was named 'Mason The Mutilator', a moniker that has the whiff of other short-lived 'New Generation' acts like Mantaur and Avatar about it.

Reimagined as Mankind, the gimmick was tweaked by Foley himself, who played the character as a tortured soul. Rocking back and forth with bleary eyes staring out from behind a leather mask, the creative side of Mick's mind must have been thinking of Hannibal Lecter from Silence Of The Lambs, or perhaps even Leatherface from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre series of movies.

Mankind's mask, although less restrictive than Lecter's, had a similar aesthetic. Indeed, the deliberately-worn head gear came across like a direct mix between Lecter's mask and Leatherface's human skin piece immediately.

Post-match, some soothing piano music would play gently in the background as Mankind retreated behind the curtain; again, this was a tribute to Hannibal, aping the Aria Da Capo theme from the movie and acting as a complete contrast to the menacing, moody tones during Foley's entrance.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.