8 Wrestling Matches That Ended Before They Were Meant To

2. Daniel Bryan Vs. Randy Orton (WWE Raw - 17 June 2013)

Daniel Bryan Injured 2013

Don't make Daniel Bryan angry. You won't like him when he's angry.

Triple H found that out first hand when he instructed officials over the headset to end Bryan's match with Randy Orton immediately on the 17 June 2013 episode of Raw. Concerned that Daniel had suffered a stinger and couldn't feel his arms, Triple H made the controversial call to halt the match in progress.

When Bryan returned backstage, he venomously spat abuse at 'The Game' for interfering in his match and stopping him from doing his job. The situation reportedly became so heated that referee John Cone said he saw Daniel screaming in Triple H's face; some of that may have been worked to push the WWE.com article, but Daniel was legit p*ssed at the interruption.

Triple H claimed he was only looking out for a colleague's health, and he said he had no regrets over stepping in when things threatened to get out of hand physically. Bryan (at the time) disagreed, and he was irked that his No DQ match was stopped around 15 minutes in.

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