8 Wrestling Matches That Ended Before They Were Meant To

1. Royal Rumble 2005

Royal Rumble 2005 End

As p*ssed as Bryan was, he was nowhere near as incensed as Vince McMahon back at the 2005 Royal Rumble.

Frustrated that one of WWE's biggest annual pay-per-views was descending into a farce, McMahon stormed down the aisle, bashed his knees on the steel ring support and promptly tore both his quadriceps muscles. That only happened because John Cena and Batista had unintentionally spilled over the top rope at the exact same time towards the end of the 30-man headliner.

Unable to restart the match without official word and scrambling to finish the show on time, both were then left bemused by McMahon's freak injury. They did sort things out eventually, but not before a lot of disarray in front of a baffled live crowd.

Batista wasn't supposed to tumble over the top strand with Cena during a head scissors spot, that was the main problem. He was booked to win the Rumble though, and his slip made things much more difficult than they should have been.


Which other matches can you think of that ended before they were supposed to? Let us know down in the comments section below!

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