8 Wrestling Tag Teams With Contrasting Singles Careers

3. Los Guerreros

The Rockers 2005 Reunion

Los Guerreros lied, cheated, and stole their way to glory during SmackDown's tag team golden age in 2002, but it was obvious from the outset that Uncle Eddie - who had already tasted some singles success back in WCW - was destined for bigger things.

After a blood feud with his nephew, Latino Heat broke out as a main eventer when he defeated Brock Lesnar for his first (and only) world title at No Way Out 2004. His run with the belt, ended by JBL in the spring, was more than a little disappointing, but he remained one of the company's biggest stars until his death in late 2005.

Chavo was given plenty of the spotlight as a cruiserweight, but was rarely afforded the opportunity to climb up the ladder. Granted, he did enjoy a belated run as ECW Champion, but he also played Kerwin White - and there's no coming back from that.
