8 Wrestling Tag Teams With Contrasting Singles Careers

2. Harlem Heat

The Rockers 2005 Reunion

As well as being responsible for wrestling's most infamous promo gaffe, brothers Booker T and Stevie Ray also won the WCW tag titles a record 10 times as Harlem Heat.

They would eventually try their hand as singles competitors, however, and while Stevie found his place in the midcard, Booker was the prime beneficiary of Vince Russo's hot potato policy, capturing the World Heavyweight Championship no fewer than five times - the last of which he took with him when he was snapped up by WWE in 2001.

The explanation for this may simply come down to age: Booker is seven years younger than his brother, and entered his peak years at exactly the right time to lead an ageing WCW roster into the new milennium.
