8 Wrestling Tag Teams With Contrasting Singles Careers

1. The Rockers

The Rockers 2005 Reunion

Catching their first break in an era when musclebound monsters were the norm, high flyers Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty probably couldn't have survived as singles competitors, but together formed one of the decade's most exciting tag teams.

Eventually, the fault lines began to show and Shawn Michaels brutally dispensed with his partner before embarking on arguably the greatest career of any one wrestler in the history of the industry. Cocky HBK led the WWF into a brave new era during the late 90s, and despite a career-threatening injury, returned in 2002 as a selfless veteran.

Marty Jannetty has had a respectable career both as a performer and a trainer, but let's be honest, this is the most one-sided tag team rivalry we've ever seen.
