8 WWE Divas Who Could Save The Revolution

6. Bayley

Who else? The fact that Bayley - one of the NXT's Four Horsewomen - wasn't brought up to the main roster with Becky Lynch, Charlotte, and Sasha Banks was a major disappointment, though a somewhat understandable decision seeing as that brand still needs someone to base their Divas Division around. Still, there's no way this fan-favourite Diva should be left down on Orlando for much longer. After all, if there's one thing this so-called Revolution is missing, it's a firm fan-favourite, and that's a role Bayley could slip into effortlessly. Charlotte hasn't gotten over with fans anywhere near as well as initially expected, Sasha has a lot of support but is supposed to be a heel, Becky so far has been totally overlooked, and the majority of fans appear to be sick of the pre-Revolution Divas. That's why the main roster needs Bayley. She could be brought up in a similar underdog role to the one which made her eventual NXT Women's Championship victory so damn satisfying to watch, and her arriving on Raw to challenge the more "experienced" WWE Divas would give viewers someone to really get behind and root for, making the revolution we keep hearing about actually feel like one.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.