8 WWE Divas Who Could Save The Revolution

5. AJ Lee

Following the departure of her disgruntled real-life husband CM Punk, AJ Lee appeared to be happy sticking around as Divas Champion. Alas, when her contract ended, she left the company, leaving a massive hole in the Divas Division as a result. It wouldn't be unfair to say that thing started going really downhill when that happened, and AJ ending her wrestling career so soon feels like a massive waste of talent. The WWE has made a point of never once badmouthing her since she left, and while Nikki Bella becoming the longest running Divas Champion was viewed by some as a way of erasing AJ from history, it's tough to escape the feeling that the powers that be might be holding out hope that she'll one day make her return to the squared circle. If that is going to happen, it needs to be very soon! AJ always stood out as a Diva who was ahead of her time, and imagining the types of matches she could be having right now with The Four Horsewomen is extremely exciting to say the least. Vocal about her desire to see female wrestlers actually given a chance, the effort being made by the WWE might be enough to entice her back, especially as the company no doubt knows she could take it to the next level!

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