8 WWE Stars That Should Trade Brands By 2017

A change of scenery definitely wouldn't hurt these superstars right now...

Baron Corbin Raw

WWE are now about three months into their latest draft split era, and things are going swimmingly. RAW, with the inclusion of the Cruiserweights, has finally mapped out a three hour show that is worth watching. Smackdown Live got the short end of the stick star power wise, but makes up for it with interesting matches and rivalries that makes the show must-watch. Truly, this is a great time for the guys and gals on the WWE roster.

Well, most of them.

Even though the show's rosters have essentially been cut in half, some superstars are having a rougher go of it on their current show. Some talent have already gotten their push, but now flounder in the uncertainty of the midcard. Some are in the midcard waiting for their chance at the title, but others keep interrupting their chase. And some, well, are fine where they are, but could be better elsewhere.

Here are eight superstars or teams that should be traded by year's end...

8. Rusev

Baron Corbin Raw

When it comes to Raw's Power Rankings, the Bulgarian Brute is nowhere near the top of the list.

Now that he has lost the United States Championship, it's pretty apparent that he is falling faster down the list of legitimate challengers. If he were to stay on Raw through the rest of the year, he'd be jobbing to Roman Reigns until WrestleMania, maybe getting a squash match here or there against some unknown local competitor. The Bulgarian Brute deserves better than that.

And Smackdown Live can be the place to turn him around. His star power can help elevate lower level talent that's still on the show and, in turn, elevate himself to a main event player. Even a face turn could do wonders for Rusev - can you imagine himself with Lana versus The Miz with Maryse? That could be a feud we as fans can invest in, especially with the work both men have been putting out recently.


Missourian. Mets fan. Avid gamer and lover of music. Part time super villain.