8 WWE Stars That Should Trade Brands By 2017

7. Baron Corbin

Baron Corbin Raw

Opposite of Rusev's falling star, The Lone Wolf's star has barely risen since his call-up at WrestleMania.

He has been involved in one real feud since making the jump to the main roster, and has been a non factor on Smackdown since the brand split. Currently, he's in a weird feud with Jack Swagger that isn't making any of them look good, which is only going to continue to hurt The Lone Wolf moving forward.Corbin needs to tap into the persona he had in NXT - where indie legends and fan favourites meant nothing to him. The problem is that Smackdown doesn't have that kind of roster.

But Raw does.

Immediately, Baron Corbin can slide into a feud with either Sami Zayn and Neville - two legitimate superstars that can really elevate him to a top level bad guy. From their, maybe he could run through the cruiserweight division if it means getting some legitimate heat and airtime. Who knows, if these two scenarios work as well as they could, it could pushed in the right direction - maybe even to a midcard title feud for the United States Championship.

That alone could put him on the next tier of his career, which can only happen on Raw.


Missourian. Mets fan. Avid gamer and lover of music. Part time super villain.