8 WWE Stars That Should Trade Brands By 2017

5. Enzo And Cass

Baron Corbin Raw

If you take a look at the Raw tag team division, The New Day currently rule the roost. With The Club, Cesaro and Sheamus, and Jeri-KO hot behind them, that leaves everyone's favourite G's in the back of the pack with The Golden Truth and The Shining Stars.


Enzo and Cass have been hot since day one, and they haven't wavered in the eyes of the fans. So why can't they get a title shot? By Royal Rumble time, I'd expect a heel team to be holding the Smackdown Tag Titles, and since Heath Slater and Rhyno are more of a temporary tag team. If that were to happen, it would only make sense for Enzo and Cass to swing by Tuesday nights and win the titles for themselves.

What a WrestleMania moment that could be - couldn't win the NXT Tag Titles, but they finally get theirs on The Biggest Stage Of Them All.


Missourian. Mets fan. Avid gamer and lover of music. Part time super villain.