8 WWE Stars That Should Trade Brands By 2017

6. Tyler Breeze

Baron Corbin Raw

What happened to Tyler Breeze? Down in NXT, he was a true talent and a fantastic character. Sure, he was mostly used as developmental talent, but he could really work with the best down at Full Sail. Now that he's on the Smackdown main roster, Prince Pretty is in a tag team with fellow lower-midcarder Fandango. The problem with that is the fact that they sit in a heap of heel tag teams with The Ascension and The Vaudvillains that are currently in a bad spot on the card.

Tyler Breeze is best when he is pushing others to be better. And Raw's Cruiserweight division is where he is needed the most.

His unwavering charisma and ability to talk could help casual fans get into the division, and finally add some stories to a division high on action but low on story telling. Tyler Breeze could really help them on the latter while still being able to keep up. He doesn't need to be the Cruiserweight Champion, but his presence alone could elevate the division into a must-watch if done right.


Missourian. Mets fan. Avid gamer and lover of music. Part time super villain.