8 WWE Veterans That Turned Back The Clock

3. Kevin Nash - TLC 2011

triple h ric flair cage

Okay, so the whole Kevin Nash return of summer 2011 was a bit of a shambles, all told, and few were looking forward to the prospect of him and Triple H colliding in a ladder match. Nash himself was aware of the absurdity of the situation, noting his long history of knee and other injuries and questioning the logic behind having him in such a high-profile stipulation bout.

But, you know what, it wasn't actually half bad in the end. Neither Nash nor Triple H are the most mobile of men and seemed to realise their limitations, instead choosing on working a match that was full of hard-hitting intensity. They brawled around ringside, with The Game bumping all over for his larger opponent, before the ladders properly came into play.

Then, instead of constantly climbing then, they just used them to batter one another. The match also gave Big Sexy the chance to vary up his tired moveset slightly, using the snake eyes on the ringside barricade and his sidewalk slam onto the ladder.

Showing that this wasn't just Triple H bumping all over for him, Nash himself took a bump off the ladder through a table, something you never saw him do during his full-time in-ring career. Clearly, he wasn't just coasting through this and put in the effort the situation required.

He should be commended for that and for his general level of performance here. It wasn't a masterpiece, but Nash looked a lot better than he had during his TNA run or even during his last WWE run in 2003.


Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...