9 Annoying Types Of Wrestling Fan (That We All Know)

3. The One Who Likes It Too Much

On the flip side to the person that despises the product, we then have the person that wears such rose coloured glasses, that they can€™t bear any criticism that is levelled at their favourite sports entertainment programme. This is the kind of person that ends up standing up and tearfully proclaiming €˜it€™s still real to me, dammit!€™ as the entire internet wets its pants laughing and turns them into an eternal meme. This person is alarmingly into wrestling - like, unhealthily into wrestling. Every part of their disposable income goes on wrestling paraphernalia, and they are seriously considering calling their future children Hunter and Stephanie. They either have a tattoo of a Brahma Bull, or they are seriously considering getting one, and they spend the vast majority of their time watching WWE network, unblinkingly accepting everything that is shown on-screen as gospel. Vince McMahon has too much control? He won the Monday Night Wars, dammit! John Cena has been pushed too heavily? He is the greatest franchise the company ever had! Hogan was a terrible wrestler? You€™re a terrible wrestler! Three hours is too long for Raw? Three hours isn€™t long enough! I actually admire these guys and envy the pure love they have for an industry that has sapped most of its fans of any optimism for the product they once had. They€™re very lucky, if not a little bit deluded, too.
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Roman Reigns
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Contributor for WhatCulture across the board, and professional student. Sports obsessed. Movie nerd. Wrestling tragic. Historical junkie. I have only loved three things my entire life: my family, Batman, and the All Blacks.