In perhaps the least wrestling-oriented segment of the film, Amy Dumas, aka Lita, talks at great length about her art project/rock band, The Luchagors. She describes how the name derivates from a combination of a) the love that she has of Lucha Libre and Mexico, including a period of her life spent living in Mexico City, and b) her bandmates' love of all things horror and gore. Also, the van they drive around in is called The Pirate Ship, which is only a little adorable. In her interview she talks about the band being regarded as a bit of a black sheep, with her wrestling fans not understanding it and just wanting her to talk about wrestling, and music fans not understanding it and just wanting her to leave their precious indy scene alone. We understand you, Lita. We understand. In a all-too-brief moment of wrestle-talk, Lita does opine about her sense of responsibility towards her female fans, and how WWE informed her that the entire demographic of their female youth market shifted after she got herself over. No biggie.