9 Best Post-Royal Rumble WWE Raw Moments
8. Vince And Bret Have It Out (2010)
The moment wrestling fans had waited a decade to see finally came on the post-Rumble edition of Raw in 2010. Though Bret Hart had already returned to WWE TV a couple of weeks earlier for his guest host spot, it was here where he and Vince properly came face to face in the ring.
A suitably frank exchange followed, with The Hitman accusing Vince of screwing him and, in the process, helping to destroy the glowing reputation he spent the best part of two decades building. In response, the WWE chairman told his former marquee man he had no charisma, nor a "command of the English language". Err, OK.
Bret finally lost his cool when Vince took a cheap shot at his deceased father Stu. He gave his former boss a swift kick to the midsection before throwing him to the ground, only to be interrupted by a freshly-heel Batista, who ran down to the ring to make the save.
Then, quite brilliantly, The Animal held Bret's arms behind his back as Vince hocked up a mouthful of disgusting McMahon spit and gobbed it right in his face; a call-back to the heated aftermath of the Montreal Screwjob in 1997.