9 Biggest Opportunities WWE Missed At Wrestlemania 32

5. Salvaging Bray Wyatt

the rock wyatts.jpg

Look up "the absolute worst" in the dictionary and what do you find? Well, nothing, as dictionaries don't contain three word expressions. But, if they did, you'd see a description of this segment.

Say what you want about the mawkish, self-aggrandizing cheap pops of a famous face coming out to just repeatedly say the name of the city - spoiler: they're always dreadful and you're an idiot - but they're usually effective. Man comes out, man tells you where you are, crowd go wild, other man comes out, other man gets beat up, crowd goes wild. Average ticket price last night: $301.

Except the man chosen to job wasn't some comedy gimmick or some historic heel, it was Bray Wyatt. Arguably the most natural and talented heel on the entire roster - who somehow hasn't got a singles win on PPV since July - comes out, does the best mic work of the entire evening (sorry Paul Heyman) and then panics when The Rock rips his popper tracksuit off and pushes his pal into the ring. History officially records that segment as "The Rock defeated Eric Rowan (with Bray Wyatt and Braun Strowman) 0:06 seconds.

The Rock vs Bray Wyatt, as a singles match and regardless of the outcome, would have sold tickets. Even 10 minutes of it could have given Bray a whiff of momentum. Instead he got a walk-on part in his own burial. To be honest, it was just as well as the predicted live appearance by Flo Rida never materialised, as Wyatt would probably have been booked to put him over somehow as well.

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