9 Celebrities Who Are Defending Hulk Hogan

4. Roddy Piper


Roddy Piper has been a vocal supporter of Hogan through this controversy, although he hasn't always made the most sense. During one appearance with Rich Eisen on The Rich Eisen Show, Piper went on some strange tangents when asked about the Hogan situation:

"Hang on. I know people who have to get up to walk five miles for water first thing in the morning. I'm just saying this literally happens to me my whole life. With Hulk, I don't agree with all his choices, but you know what, I don't hear people saying all the great things he does. When he was on the Wheaties box, all those kids that said their prayers and took their vitamins. I don't hear them saying that. They just want to nail this."

I'll forgive Piper for the nonsensical rambling of the Eisen interview, especially when he offered a more intelligible defense of Hogan with TMZ

He told TMZ that Hogan was dealing with some pretty intense stuff at this period in his life, including a terrible accident which involved his son. He blames the out of character words on the extreme situations that Hogan went through at the time.


I'm a dad who loves professional wrestling. Find me on Twitter @MitchNickelson or email me at leonardbeats@gmail.com.