9 Celebrities Who Are Defending Hulk Hogan

3. Jim Ross

Dennis Rodman Hulk Hogan WCW

Iconic wrestling commentator Jim Ross weighed in on the Hulk Hogan controversy on his blog:

"Hulk Hogan remains in the news and is likely to continue to do so until another celebrity story breaks. Hulk arguably would be helped if he laid low on Twitter for a few weeks. Hopefully Hulk has retained PR professionals, a sensitivity training expert and he decides to stop trying to rehabilitate his image on social media at least for the time being. I am a big believer in forgiveness and have no reason to believe that Hogan can't or won't be forgiven in time if he goes about it in a sincere, thought out manner. Even if some believe that Hulk did nothing wrong, his public image, of which he earns a living, has taking the big leg drop and it needs rehabilitated."

After giving the wise advice of laying off of social media for a while, he gave a personal endorsement of Hogan's character:

"In my years of dealing with Hogan I never knew of him being a racist or having racist behavior. I can't read his mind or look into his soul but can only respond to what I've personally witnessed and that is I would never earmark him as being racist based on my interactions with him."

Ross also called for civil dialogue regarding this hot button issue.


I'm a dad who loves professional wrestling. Find me on Twitter @MitchNickelson or email me at leonardbeats@gmail.com.