9 Celebrities Who Are Defending Hulk Hogan

2. Brooke Hogan

Dennis Rodman Hulk Hogan WCW

Brooke Hogan, Hulk's daughter and the recipient of his outrage that sparked his racist comments, defended her father through a poem called "If You Knew My Father." Here is an excerpt:

"Cause If you knew the dad I knew,
you'd know he raised me well.
He taught me folks are so much more
than shades could ever tell."

She stands by the sentiment that her father is not truly a racist. She later claims in her poem that the horrible comments from her dad were simply careless words that he didn't mean:

Because I know my father,
I can promise this-
Just like you and I, things we don't mean can sometimes slip.

People can say things they don't mean sometimes. Does Hulk really harbor attitudes of racism or was this truly a slip of words he didn't mean?


I'm a dad who loves professional wrestling. Find me on Twitter @MitchNickelson or email me at leonardbeats@gmail.com.