9 Directions WWE Champion Sheamus Can Go From Here

6. European Takeover

Despite the makeshift three-man team of Rusev, Barrett and Sheamus being mostly limited to pre-show PPV matches, they certainly had a great deal of potential. Sure, their appeal may have been largely comedic, but all three have had experience near the top of the WWE roster over the years. They all know how to be legitimately menacing heels, and all three together could form the foundation of a Sheamus-led European heel stable. The other side of this angle would have to involve an Authority tweener turn, something Triple H and Stephanie seem oddly fascinated with anyway. They always enjoy cutting 15-minute face promos to open Raw, so why not drop the heel act once they have an alternative faction to feud with - a faction happens to hold the prized WWE World Heavyweight Championship. This would open up a number of potential avenues for both heels and faces across the roster. Fellow Europeans such as Neville and Paige would be tempted to join Sheamus' gang; certain wrestlers (Cena, Owens, etc.) would happily align with the Authority to get a shot at Sheamus; and more anarchic figures (Ambrose, Wyatt, and so on) would continue to strike out on their own.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.