9 Freakiest Ways Wrestling Fans Show Their Love

1. Actually Stalking Them

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yISc31A0FK4 And, of course, there are some fans that take it far, far too far and physically interpose themselves into the lives of their favourite wrestlers in ways that could be considered weird, crazy or, on occasion, illegal. Professional wrestlers have their fair share of stalkers in real life, as well as in storylines. There isn€™t a WWE diva who doesn€™t have some scary story about being followed through an airport or down the street by some random lone man, and Dwayne €˜The Rock€™ Johnson has mentioned on several occasions, almost nonchalantly, that he has to involve the police once or twice a year because of some obsessed female fan who takes it too far. Randy Orton had a recent war of words with a fan on Twitter after saying nasty things about her. It transpired that Kayla Gomez had been sending Orton€™s other half abusive and harassing tweets, and then tricked him into posing for a selfie with her after loitering outside of his gym all day €“ in order to continue the campaign of harassment with some new ammunition. After some choice worlds from an underinformed Internet, Orton felt compelled to delete the tweet and apologise for the insults, saying €œthe answer to bullying isn€™t more bullying.€ Meanwhile, back in 2003, Kurt Angle had an affair with a woman who, Fatal Attraction, style, began stalking him and his then wife Karen. Deann Siden, who was also rumoured to have attempted to pull something similar on Ric Flair, had left numerous messages for the couple claiming to be carrying Angle€™s baby and threatening Karen, and was arrested. Former WWE diva Maryse, who recently married Mike €˜The Miz€™ Mizanin, was forced to go to the authorities in 2011 after 61-year-old Lee Silber€™s campaign of scary letters and telephone calls convinced her to take matters further. Silber had left more than 50 delusional voicemails on her phone (how her got her number is a matter of conjecture), as well as promising by mail to find her in Los Angeles and €œtake her to heaven€ with him. The court awarded the future Mrs. Mizanin a three year restraining order against Silber in July 2011. There are plenty of other stories €“ it seems that almost every WWE superstar and diva has their own variation on this tale of fandom gone loopy. Our favourite is Wade Barrett€™s, though. We€™re afraid we€™ve got some bad news: BNB has a stalker that actually scares off other stalkers, trolling them all over the Internet. Now that would be a novelty: a community of stalkers that polices itself. Do you have any stories of wrestling fandom gone a bit too far? Let us know all about them in the comments!
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.