9 Freakiest Ways Wrestling Fans Show Their Love

2. Creating Fanworks About Them

There€™s a possibility that some of you believe that fandom and fanworks (poetry, fiction, artwork, songvids etc etc) are limited solely to fans of shows like Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Star Trek. If that€™s the case, we€™re happy to be the ones to break it to you: wrestling fans write fan fiction too. Although all manner of fan works are created by all manner of people, the professional wrestling fandom is dominated by female wrestling fans (for the most part), writing what€™s known as €˜slash€™ €“ stories, poetry and images that specifically relate to romantic and sexual pairings between male characters. Now, a lot of the time that€™s rather sweet, almost cheesily romantic stuff: the love that dare not speak its name, two closeted men in the ultra-macho, homophobic world of pro wrestling, etc etc. One such example would be this songvid uploaded last year: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEoahBu5bbQ Of course, a lot more of the time it€™s considerably more explicit than that, to the extent that it could be considered pornographic. BDSM and fetishised role-playing is also involved in a good deal of the stories that people write about pro wrestlers€ what we€™re saying is, if you€™re a delicate flower who bruises easily and you don€™t want to read graphic short stories about people making violent love to one another in a succession of outlandish scenarios, you might want to avoid googling it just in case. The really interesting thing about it is the most frequent pairings that wrestling fandom puts together, and the character interplay this creates. Cena and Orton are a common coupling, as are Shawn Michaels and Triple H. Common consensus amongst writers of pro wrestling slash fiction as far as character goes is that The Miz will do anyone, Punk is virtually married to Colt Cabana, Triple H is always a heel deep down (even when paired with HBK as a babyface couple), and the Undertaker always €“ always €“ goes on top.
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Hulk Hogan
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.