9 Freakiest Ways Wrestling Fans Show Their Love

3. Becoming €˜Involved€™ With Them

The phenomenon of €˜ring rats€™ is an old one, older than the related one of €˜groupies€™ in rock n€™ roll (although with a horribly unappealing name that€™s clearly from before the dawn of feminism). It€™s unlikely to be necessary to draw you a graphic picture of what happens when large, masculine and heavily muscled men who play tough superheroes on television go on tour for 80% of their year away from wives and families. Of course, with the advent of the Internet, the decades-old concept of wrestling groupies has become a community-based concept, with Tumblr being the go-to website for the women, and less often men, that pursue wrestlers for strings-free sex. Just as sailors used to boast of having €˜a girl in every port€™, so many wrestlers over the years have had a girl in every town. Occasionally, things get more serious between fans and wrestlers. €˜Mad Dog€™ Vachon€™s third wife Kathie was a fan he met when she was a young schoolgirl. The two maintained an entirely platonic friendship, Kathie being slightly scared of the terrifying heel, until she was an adult €“ the (probably apocryphal) story goes that €˜Mad Dog€™ was choking his opponent with a long white shoelace, hid it from the referee by jamming it into his mouth, and then spat it into the crowd when the ref€™s back was turned. The shoelace landed in the now grown-up Ms. Ustohal€™s lap, and the rest was history. On a more romantic note, the Undertaker met his second wife Sara at an autograph signing in San Diego shortly after his divorce from his first wife was finalized. Sara was working for a woman whose grandchildren were huge wrestling fans, and took them to meet the Dead Man and get their photos taken. One look was all it took and the pair were together for seven years, having two children together. Finally, a fourteen year old named April Mendez first met WWE superdiva Lita at a signing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alX4vwZNhH8 Lita, of course, would later meet the dashing young CM Punk at the peak of his career, long after she€™d retired, and the two would have a relationship throughout 2009 and for a few months in 2013. Later that year, Punk would begin dating RAW€™s top diva April €˜A.J. Lee€™ Mendez, and in a classic movie-style ending, the two self-confessed wrestling and comic book nerds would be married less than a year later, after Punk himself had retired - and thirteen years since A.J. Lee first met Punk€™s ex, her hero. Life can be strange sometimes.
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.