9 Laws Of Physics That Only Exist In Wrestling

4. The Law Of Increased Rotational Inertia

albert einstein vince mcmahon

Let's just say that you're a wrestler. You've incapacitated your opponent, and you smell blood. You decide to put him away with a top-rope maneuver, and consider how best to take advantage of the laws of physics for maximum damage. Force equals mass times acceleration, and since getting bigger isn't an option, you resolve to hit your opponent while falling as fast as possible. The best option, then, is to jump as high as you can, strike the most aerodynamic pose possible as you fall, and putting your weight behind a small portion of your body to increase the impact. Basically, a flying stomp.

But not so in wrestling! No, in wrestling, each rotation you successfully complete while airborne increases your momentum and decreases your drag. A flying press is good, a moonsault is great, and a 450° splash is basically manslaughter. Think about it: near-300 pound Jack Swagger couldn't pin El Torito with his corner splash, but Johnny Mundo, 2/3 his size, regularly beats opponents with his twisting split-legged moonsault. It's the spins, man, you gotta have spins.


Long-time fan (scholar?) of professional wrestling, kaiju films and comparative mythology. Aspiring two-fisted adventurer.