9 Laws Of Physics That Only Exist In Wrestling

1. The First Law Of Intentionality

albert einstein vince mcmahon

This law states that things always hurt less if you mean to do them, and the degree to which your move is successful is more critical than the net amount of physical punishment you sustain. For example, Daniel Bryan could throw a flying front dropkick that basically amounts to falling flat on his back from 9 feet in the air, and spring to his feet unharmed. But if he missed a front dropkick at ground level, he'd collapse into a heap, clutching his neck in pain.

See also: R-Truth's non-axe kick finisher, in which he leaps into the air and grabs your arm, forcing you to perform a super high impact Rock Bottom on him. Because he initiates the maneuver, despite the fact that it ends with him violently crashing to the mat, you get hurt. You could probably jump to the floor, put yourself in a front face lock, DDT yourself onto the concrete, and knock your opponent out while he's still in the ring.


Long-time fan (scholar?) of professional wrestling, kaiju films and comparative mythology. Aspiring two-fisted adventurer.