9 Mistakes WWE Made With The Debut Of The Cruiserweight Division

6. No Post-Match Decision

Brian Kendrick Clash of Champions

Perhaps I’m getting a little hung up on these subtle touches to the show’s presentation, but my point is that they were simple enough to have been easy to translate to the main roster and valuable enough to have been of benefit to the division.

Much like the introductory hype videos and handshakes that preceded each contest, the post-match decision announcements were a refreshing element of the Cruiserweight Classic. They gave the show a more legitimate feel and seemed to raise the stakes somewhat.

Again though, this was an aspect that the company chose to overlook when the Cruiserweights debuted on Raw. Instead, Brian Kendrick simply ambled around the ring and celebrated his win with the simple raise of an arm, just like anybody else would on the roster.

It just made the division feel a little less unique, which is pretty much the exact opposite of the way in which it should be portrayed.

To play the devil’s advocate, this might have been because of the Fatal 4-way stipulation - were all four participants really going to shake each and everyone else’s hand after Kendrick’s victory? Then again, that in itself brings us nicely on to our next point…


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