9 More Things We Learned From Shawn Michaels On Talk Is Jericho Part 2

1. Wrestling For My Life & His Favorite Match

Chris gives Shawn a chance to plug his new book "Wrestling For My Life", which he says is autobiographical in terms of being a look at his career through the lens of his faith. He says there are plenty of stories about angles and matches, but that it's more than just that, adding that it's also not merely "a God book". The standard question asking about HBK's favorite match is met with several answers. "Obviously the Taker matches are in there...there's so many special ones." He names his WrestleMania 19 match with Jericho as one that truly made him realize he could be just as good as before, since the previous matches with Hunter were like working with a security blanket. In closing, Jericho asks if Shawn ever misses being in the ring at all, and he replies that he doesn't because he's enjoying the life he's living now. He says he's been offered some "intrusive" opportunities (alleging a reality show featuring his family) but says that he isn't interested in that, Shawn Michaels seems to be a guy who's at peace and very happy with his station in life and the legacy he left the pro wrestling business and it's nice to know that one of the all-time greats isn't a bitter ex-superstar still pining for the glory days. Part 2 of this interview was better than the first and a definite recommended listen.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.