9 More Things We Learned From Shawn Michaels On Talk Is Jericho Part 2

2. Bret Hart & Montreal

Shawn calls his former real life and in-ring enemy the only guy who ever had a legitimate gripe about his behavior because he actually did make Bret's life miserable. This leads into a question about what it was like when the two men finally reconciled (which he never actually answers). He says that one of the hardest things back then was that Vince wanted him to keep his involvement a secret, because admittedly the vindictive side of him wanted to look Bret in the face and tell him "You're d*mn right I was in on it." Something that's brought up here that may never have been mentioned before is that, despite the call to screw Bret being Vince's, it was up to Shawn and Earl Hebner to determine when and how it was going to take place. When going over the match backstage and he heard Bret call the spot to reverse the Sharpshooter, he knew that would be their only chance. He says he was sick to his stomach the entire day and that the only thing that made it easier was in those days part of him didn't care what anyone else thought. Jericho asks if Vince knows in the back of mind that he'll always owe Shawn for that one, and HBK replies that there were times - before he became a changed man - that he would remind him. But yes, he's always felt that he had job security due to his boss putting him in the most uncomfortable situation possible and him going through with it. "I was closer to Vince than my own dad at times. Anybody else could've asked and I wouldn't have done it."

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.