9 Most Disappointing Wrestling Cage Matches Of All Time

5. Randy Savage Vs. Hulk Hogan - WCW Uncensored '98

One of the most historic rivalries in the business is that of Macho Man and The Hulkster. These two knew how to deliver magic in the ring together, using their undeniable chemistry to create an unrivaled amount of tension and drama. Savage was the flash, Hogan was the muscle, and together they made beautiful music. But that was in WWE. In WCW, the feud between the two megastars may have started strong, but quickly became an inconsistent and unsubstantial bore. By the time both men were in the nWo, there simply wasn't much heat to be had in their match-ups. This match is right in the middle of that time period. Aside from being an utter clusterf*ck of in-ring mechanics and having , there's also zero logic to the way this whole thing unfolds. Basic cage match rules are broken on a whim, as the referee allows both men to brawl outside of the cage in the middle of the match. There's also a run-in from Hogan's Disciple which, once again, shouldn't be a thing that happens in a cage match. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2cumhm_hollywood-hogan-vs-randy-savage-wcw-uncensored-1998_sport There was maybe one or two good spots where the boys weren't just playing patty cake (including a backdrop into the cage by Hogan, which may have been a bit rougher than Savage could appreciate) culminating in a strange climax that had Savage turning on his friend Sting for no apparent reason whatsoever. Hogan and Savage had a lot of great matches. This was the exact opposite of those.

Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.