9 Questions With Colt Cabana

5. Your Heroes

Colt Cabana
5 Star Wrestling & Ringside Perspective

Who are the forefathers of the comedy wrestler movement?

“I can’t speak as a historian, but one of my heroes is Les Kellett. He’s a big inspiration: just the way he did it, you know. Very justified, but hilarious. He drew a crowd: people paid to see him. He was great at what he did.

“Guys like Les Kellett and Catweazle, Vic Faulkner and Mick McMichael: these guys were amazing comedians as well as amazing wrestlers. That’s kind of what we’re doing. You can’t just be a great wrestler and a great comedian; you have to be both to do this genre.

“I call it justified comedy: we do it for a reason. We’re using the backdrop of wrestling to help our comedy, and vice versa. But it has to make sense. That’s very important to all of us.”

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Colt Cabana
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The former editor of Power Slam: The Wrestling Magazine, Fin Martin has been writing about pro wrestling for nearly 25 years. His latest eBook, The Power Slam Interviews Volume 1, is available worldwide from Amazon, iBooks and Kobo. In his spare time, he enjoys walking in the Lake District.