9 Quick Fixes That Would Have Improved WWE Battleground 2016

8. Bayley Defeats Charlotte & Gets Drafted

Finn Balor Battleground

It was a surprise to roughly nobody that Bayley ended up being Sasha Banks' tag team partner, though there was near-immediate disappointment when JBL suggested that this was a one-night deal and Bayley wouldn't be called up from NXT right away.

Given how over Bayley is, this really feels like the time to move her up, especially considering the crowd response and easy momentum this would give her moving forward.

The likely feeling is that her being called up now would steal most if not all of Sasha's thunder after she probably wins the Women's Title from Charlotte next month, but even so, they're throwing money down the drain every day Bayley isn't on the main roster.

Bayley should've been the one to pin Charlotte after which she would have been confirmed as the 60th draft pick, but it looks like we'll be waiting a while instead.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.