9 Reasons Chris Jericho Is The Greatest All-Round Performer In Wrestling History

6. A Catalog Of Great Matches

Chris Jericho

When everything else is stripped away, a wrestler still has to be able to get it done when the bell rings. There have been many talents who were capable workers in the ring but stood out in other areas – Mick Foley, Sting, The Undertaker – while there’s an even larger amount of wrestlers who were masterful technicians but lacked the personality to ascend the ladder: Dean Malenko, Lance Storm, etc.

There are only a select few who have managed to put both those elements together and become the complete package. That rare air belongs to men like Flair, Michaels, HHH, Austin and Jericho. To be able to truly be one of the best you have to have an impressive resume of awesome matches, and Jericho’s is off the charts.

As a singles competitor you can include any time he was in the ring with HBK, bouts with Kurt Angle, William Regal, Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, HHH, The Rock, and more recently CM Punk and AJ Styles. He excels as a tag team wrestler also, with he and Benoit vs. HHH and Austin being one of the most highly regarded WWE matches ever. Plus we can’t forget his appearances in tag team TLC matches when those were still new and innovative.

When you really start to go down the list, the amount of classics and near-classics Jericho has to his name is incredible.


Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.