9 Reasons Chris Jericho Is The Greatest All-Round Performer In Wrestling History

1. Longevity On Top

Chris Jericho

The most impressive thing about Chris Jericho is not just that he possesses all these attributes but more so how long he’s been able to apply them and remain a top superstar in the cutthroat world of professional wrestling.

The Canadian wrestler/rock star began his career in 1990 at the age of nineteen and is still going strong twenty six years later with only a few breaks in between. He’s had no major injuries to speak of which is an impressive feat in itself, but his short leaves of absence have been one of the keys to remaining fresh.

But perhaps what’s most impressive is that he’s been a main event-level top guy from 1998 until 2016; almost two full decades at the pinnacle of the industry. Really only Ric Flair, Triple H and The Undertaker can boast any similar longevity, but including Taker is almost cheating since he’s been on a one or two match a year schedule for many years now.

It’s the combination of all the aforementioned attributes that has made Chris Jericho the legendary superstar that he is and has allowed him to go down in history as one of and in my opinion the greatest all-round talented professional wrestler of all-time.


Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.