9 Reasons John Cena Will Win Seth Rollins' WWE Title At SummerSlam

4. Rollins Is Already Set Up For A Mid Card Feud With Kane

The ground work for Rollins' post championship run is already well established. His feud with Kane has simmered for months and he's now openly lambasting his former Authority colleague. The narrative has Kane currently out with an injury, but on his return he's expected to finally hold Rollins to account. The timing of that will be perfect, as Rollins can move into the Kane feud and get his heat back with victories over the big red machine. It is a feud that really doesn't need the WWE Title involved, as Kane is strictly a mid card level worker. He's not about championships at this stage in his career. As such, Rollins has to lose at SummerSlam, in order to finally put the long anticipated Kane feud to work.
WWE Writer

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