9 Reasons John Cena Will Win Seth Rollins' WWE Title At SummerSlam

3. Declining TV Ratings

The performance of Raw in the past few months has been abysmal. That's why the company brought The Undertaker back, as you go to what's proven when in need of results. Just like the utilisation of Taker, the company will also look to utilise Cena back in his traditional role. He's a proven guy when it comes to spiking ratings. If Cena is in the opening, mid and closing segments, viewers will stick around through the show. He's got a star quality that Seth Rollins lacks in that respect. By putting the WWE Title back on Cena at SummerSlam, they are setting him up to main event Raw for the next few months. The hope is that the audience will stick around through the show to see the franchise star. Unfortunately for Rollins, viewership has died a death on his watch. He isn't being blamed for the ratings collapse, but he is going to be a victim of it. WWE will move the belt off of him and on to the proven draw in John Cena.
WWE Writer

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