9 Reasons Nikki Bella Outlasting AJ Lee's WWE Diva Title Reign Was Best For Business

Like it or not, WWE made the right move.

Time for a controversial opinion: Nikki Bella breaking AJ Lee€™s record as the longest reigning WWE Divas champion in history was best for business. That€™s probably not going to sit well with a lot of fans because Nikki is almost universally reviled amongst the hardcore wrestling audience. She€™s viewed as the symbol of all that€™s wrong with women€™s wrestling in America; someone whose looks and connections have carried her much farther than her talent. Is that a fair assessment? I€™d argue that it€™s not. She has her faults, but so do all of the divas, and her relationship with WWE poster boy John Cena is always going to place her under an increased level of scrutiny. That may or may not be fair, but it€™s a fact she€™ll have to face as long as the two remain a couple. Nikki€™s a performer as despised as AJ Lee was loved, and for that reason her outlasting the former WWE star€™s reign has no doubt ruffled some feathers. But the fact of the matter is, no matter how well-liked AJ was or how much merchandise she was able to move, having Nikki unseat her was definitely the right move for the company to make. Here are 9 reasons why€

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Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.