9 Reasons Triple H Needs To Stop Being An On Air Personality

7. Continuity

Roman Reigns dismantles Triple H as TLC 2015 goes off the air. Triple H appears at NXT TakeOver:London the following Tuesday. The RAW after that Roman Reigns cuts a promo on how he hasn't seen Triple H since. The WWE Universe looked bemused... Even though WWE may think us fans recognise The Authority's Triple H and NXT's Triple H as two separate people, we don't. Well, I don't at least. He's the same person with two different jobs. Stories can't be told properly without continuity, and it looks like this will never happen as long as Game proceeds with both his on screen jobs. He needs to stop one of them...
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Triple H
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Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.