9 Reasons Triple H Needs To Stop Being An On Air Personality

6. He's Been Too Prominent For Too Long

Triple H has been part of WWE for 21 years. He's been in the main event picture for at least 17 of those, and that's not even counting his time as Shawn Michaels' sidekick in their DX days. Even though he wasn't in the WWE World Heavyweight Championship picture for a fair few years as he steadily stepped away from in-ring action, he's always been at the centre of the biggest storylines in the company. It seems that Hunter has always been at the centre of WWE's Universe, in one shape or form. It's time for a change. Because The Game has been able to switch between a wrestler and an full time authority figure over the last few years, he's been able to keep himself relatively fresh. Nevertheless, it would be nice to see a change at the top of the card, or to the players embroiled in the company's biggest storylines. Move over, Hunter...
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Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.